Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sign up for my newsletter, get free stuff.

If you scroll to the bottom of this blog, you'll see a box with the words "email address", and a subscribe button below it. Typing your email address into the box and clicking the subscribe button will get you added to my newsletter list. I'm planning on using the newsletter to announce new releases, special offers, etc--and as a way to reward people who show interest in my writing. Here are a few special opportunities I'm planning on making available to people who sign up:

1) Free download days. Blood Brothers is currently signed up with Amazon's Kindle Select program, which means that I can make the ebook available for free download on five days in the next three months. If you'd like to get a copy, but you don't want to pay for it, sign up for the newsletter and you'll get an email giving you advance notice of an upcoming free day.

2) Review rewards. At some point in the near future, in an effort to get more reviews for Blood Brothers up on the Amazon page, I'll be rewarding reviewers with a free copy of the second issue of my zine Map of Fog. This issue is of particular interest to fans of Blood Brothers because it contains a story relating my rediscovery of my childhood love--fantasy fiction--as an adult. Map of Fog was a critically acclaimed zine, and it's pretty hard to get a copy of it now, but if you sign up for the newsletter, you'll get info telling you how to get a copy for free.

3) Sales days. I'm also considering making Blood Brothers available for reduced prices on certain key days. If you want to know when one of those sales days is coming up, sign up for the newsletter.

So sign up! I promise not to bombard your email inbox with spam--I'm thinking it'll be less than a dozen emails in a year--and if you ever decide you'd rather not be on the list, every email will have an unsubscribe button included at its bottom.

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